

The World of PostGIS

Date: 2018-09-05
Time: 20:30 - 23:30
Room: Stockton
Level: Intermediate
Feedback: Leave feedback

This training will teach you how to use PostGIS related extensions with main focus on the postgis, pgrouting and ogr_fdw spatial extensions. We will also cover techniques for getting the most performance out of your spatial queries. Though most queries will also work on lower versions, we will be using PostgreSQL 10+, PostGIS 2.4+ , and pgRouting 2.6+. We will highlight functions/spatial tricks not available in lower versions of these tools.

What is PostGIS? Introduction to different spatial types geometry, geography, raster, topogeometry Spatial coordinate transformations Creating spatial tables and populating with SQL Loading spatial data with psql, ogr_fdw, raster2pgsql, shp2pgsql, and ogr2ogr Spatial queries Viewing query results with OpenJump

What is pgRouting? Creating routing and node tables using SQL Using osm2pgrouting Prepping other spatial data for routing pgRouting algorithms and what each is used for Viewing results with QGIS

Time permitting, we'll demonstrate creating a web app using Leaflet


Regina Obe
Regina Obe and Leo Hsu