About PgUS

Our Mission

The US PostgreSQL Association is a non profit public charity with the following purpose:

  1. Educate, promote and support the creation, development and use of the PostgreSQL Open Source Database software, a software system which is available to the general public without charge;
  2. Provide information and education regarding the use of PostgreSQL; and
  3. Organize, hold and conduct meetings, discussion, and forums on the contemporary issues concerning the use of PostgreSQL.
Here is a copy of our bylaws, and our IRS determination letter. Information about being an Oregon Nonprofit director is available from Oregon and is available here. For more information, please visit our corporate page. Information on our directors and officers can be found here.

PostgreSQL.org is the home of the global PostgreSQL community. If you are looking for community support or software downloads you should visit the global site.

Contact us

Directors and Officers

Information on our team can be found here.

  • Stacey Haysler - President
  • Mark Wong - Treasurer
  • Michael Brewer - Secretary
  • Jonathan S. Katz - Director
  • Elizabeth Garrett Christensen - Director

Connect with us

Have a question or suggestion for the US PostgreSQL Association's Board of Directors? Contact us at contact@postgresql.us!
Please connect with us on social media.

Twitter: @pgus

LinkedIn: united-states-postgresql-association

Mastodon: @pgus@fosstodon.org

BlueSky: @pgus.bsky.social


For legal inquiries, please contact: contact@postgresql.us


We accept any kind of mail, including donations, at the following mailing address.

United States PostgreSQL Association
9450 SW Gemini Dr #62635
Beaverton, OR, 97008-7105

Policies and Docs


Please email the Secretary (secretary@postgresql.us) for a complete list of resolutions until we finish out site migration. The most recent version of our bylaws can be found here and a copy of our IRS determination letter here.


If you are interested in our financials, please contact us at secretary@postgresql.us.


This website is managed using github. The repository is available at https://github.com/pg-us/pgusweb, with the full revision history available. Please send any suggestions or bug reports to secretary@postgresql.us.


Please see our policies here.