Schedule - PGConf NYC 2021

Photo of Ibrar Ahmed

Ibrar Ahmed

Company: pgEdge
Twitter: @ibrar_ahmad

Ibrar Ahmed is a Principal Engineer at pgEdge with a software design and development background. He has 18 years of core PostgreSQL development and 24 years of software development experience. Before working in open-source development, he focused on system-level embedded development. He joined EnterpriseDB in 2006, where he began his career in open-source development, specifically in PostgreSQL. Ibrar has made numerous contributions to the PostgreSQL community and other open-source communities, ranging from performance enhancements to various PostgreSQL modules. In addition to his expertise in PostgreSQL, he has experience with other databases such as MySQL, Oracle, and NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Hadoop. He has also worked on integrating tools like Hive, HBase, and Spark with PostgreSQL. Ibrar is an active speaker in the PostgreSQL community, giving over 60 talks in the past four years. He has also authored several books on PostgreSQL. He is recognized as one of the top 100 most influential people in the database community.
