Schedule - PGConf NYC 2021

How to improve PostgreSQL Monitoring and Observability with PMM

Date: 2021-12-03
Time: 09:30–10:20
Room: Financial III
Level: Beginner
Feedback: Leave feedback

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a great open-source tool used to monitor databases. In this talk, we'll demonstrate how to set up and use the tool to make the most out of your PostgreSQL deployments. We'll review the built-in metrics and dashboards, and even how you can add your own customized ones! PMM can collect data with up to one-second resolution, and it will retain it for months. You can use it to either troubleshoot ongoing issues or to do root cause analysis whenever you need to. Additionally, alerts can be set up so you get notified when events happen.

After attending the talk, you will be able to (among other topics we'll discuss): * Navigate the different metric dashboards, to tell how the system is behaving * Proactively detect potential bottlenecks * Troubleshoot performance issues * Optimize PostgreSQL configuration settings * Analyze query information


Agustin Gallego
Charly Batista