Schedule - PGConf NYC 2022

Hacking on Postgres: An Overview

Date: 2022-09-23
Time: 10:50–11:40
Room: The Hub
Level: Advanced
Feedback: Leave feedback

If you've ever wanted to get started hacking on Postgres, you've likely found getting started a daunting task. The codebase is complex, and the community has a long history with often detailed norms and expectations.

In this talk we'll start by walking through the process (mailing list, patch tracking, commitfests) by which the Postgres codebase is changed. Next we'll walk through the codebase itself to better understand the architecture of the Postgres system, where one might go to understand various components, and how one might begin to make a change. Finally we'll discuss tooling, and I'll demo a subset of the tools I use to develop in the Postgres codebase with a helpful feedback cycle.


The following slides have been made available for this session:


James Coleman