Schedule - PGConf NYC 2022

How to create an hacking toolkit thanks to the pageinspect extension and some linux commands like dd, od…?

Date: 2022-09-22
Time: 11:25–12:15
Room: The Hub
Level: Advanced
Feedback: Leave feedback

This session will provide some tools to hack PostgreSQL internals using the well known pageinspect extension and basic linux tools like dd and od.

With shell scripts (no C coding is needed) from the files on “disk” we’ll see how to:

This understanding will help us to write shell scripts to:

With pageinspect “only” we’ll also see how:

We’ll see that all of this is possible thanks to PostgreSQL being open source.

That’s nice but why? how is it useful?

That could be useful when working on edge cases when for examples:


Bertrand Drouvot