Schedule - PGConf NYC 2022

Photo of Simon Pane

Simon Pane

Company: Pythian
Twitter: @simonpane

Simon has been preparing technical blogs on, and speaking at database-related user groups and vendor-hosted events since 1998, presenting sometimes as much as a dozen times per year. He has been a past public speaker on PostgreSQL having spoken at in-person events such as PG Conf NYC and Google Cloud Next.

In the Oracle world, he is an Oracle ACE, an Oracle Certified Professional, and the winner of several speaking and writing awards and has presented at every major Oracle-related conference in North America and Europe, including Oracle OpenWorld. He is a past IOUG Board member and has also served as a volunteer member of several formal industry and community Advisory Boards – in both the Oracle and PostgreSQL communities.

Simon works with PostgreSQL and Oracle daily as a Principal Consultant for Pythian, focusing on database security, cloud implementations, and migrations.
