Schedule - PGConf NYC 2023

A journey to 7000 instances

Date: 2023-10-03
Time: 16:30–17:20
Room: The Forum
Level: Beginner
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Having used mostly proprietary RDBMS for a long time, Société Générale decided to switch to PostgreSQL as its go-to database in 2017 to accelerate its digital transformation. We are happy to share that PostgreSQL is now our most used database.

We will share some history of this transition, some of the tools we used, some technical and not so technical challenges we faced. Setting up our own managed Postgres-as-a-Service offer was instrumental in getting to 7000 on-premises clusters.

The goal is to share some of the lessons we learned along the way so that if your organization chooses to switch to PostgreSQL, you will be better equipped to make this journey smoother.


Anthony Nowocien