Schedule - PGConf NYC 2024

Photo of Sameer Malik

Sameer Malik

Company: AWS

Sameer Malik has been working on relational Databases for about 21 years now and is currently working as a Principal Database Solution Architect at AWS focused on the relational and non relational Databases offerings on AWS including RDS/Aurora and DynamoDB etc.. Overall experience includes

  1. Working at AWS for over 6 years as Principal Database Specialist Solution Architecture and Principal Product Manager on RDS/Aurora. 2.Principal Solution Engineer at Google Cloud focused on Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL and AlloyDB for PostgreSQL
  2. Working at Oracle corporation as Principal Exadata Sales Consultant
  3. Principal Advanced Support Engineer at Oracle ACS (platinum support) and led the Performance tuning team for Oracle RAC and Exadata
  4. working as a consultant focused on Oracle Database troubleshooting/performance tuning and DBA lead on several consulting companies like DTCC and Equifax.
