Schedule - PGConf NYC 2024

Photo of Monica Sarbu

Monica Sarbu

Company: Xata
Twitter: @monicasarbu

Monica is the founder and CEO of, a serverless Postgres platform for modern development. Xata is backed by Index Ventures and several well known tech entrepreneurs, including the founders of Elastic, Confluent, Vercel, and Netlify. Monica is also a founder of, a non-profit initiative offering free mentorship for unprivileged people in tech.

Previously, she founded Packetbeat, an open source monitoring solution, which was acquired by Elastic in 2015. As part of Elastic, Packetbeat became Beats, the Elastic observalibity solution that had more than 300M downloads in 2 years, widely popular by companies of all sizes.

When she’s not busy with data grokking, she enjoys spending time with her daughter and traveling the world.
