Schedule - PGConf NYC 2024

The PostgreSQL License Fee: Community Participation

Date: 2024-10-02
Time: 11:40–12:30
Room: The Hub
Level: Beginner
Feedback: Leave feedback

PostgreSQL is free and open-source, so there is no license fee to pay. However, maintaining the project—and growing it successfully—requires the work of many people: engineers, website managers, event organizers, project administrators, advocates, social media managers, and on and on. It takes a global community to support the project, and community participation is the license fee we pay to ensure the project's continuity. I'll give an overview of how the project is organized, and also provide a myriad of ideas for becoming involved in ways that meet your interests and skills, even if—and especially if—you are not an engineer.


Stacey Haysler