Schedule - PGConf NYC 2024

Transparent Application-level Encryption with Postgres Trusted Language Extensions

Date: 2024-09-30
Time: 11:00–11:50
Room: Library (Sponsor)
Level: Intermediate
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Companies get significant business value out of the sensitive data they’ve collected. However, keeping it secure and staying compliant with data privacy and security regulations is increasingly difficult.

Postgres doesn't offer transparent data encryption (TDE) but even if it did, TDE doesn't solve for most attack vectors.

The solution is cryptographic protection that follows regulated data while allowing analytical and operational computations on the data. This is sometimes called "privacy enhanced computation"

In this talk, learn how the combination of a SQL proxy and a PL/Rust Postgres extension can enable operations on encrypted data without the use of specialty solutions with hardware enclaves, such as Intel SGX or the performance impacts of homomorphic or secure multiparty encryption. The development of PostgreSQLK trusted language extensions brings this capability to managed databases in the cloud quickly and without any code changes


Billy VanCannon