Schedule - PGDay Chicago 2023

    The importance to Fault Tolerance in PostgreSQL

    Date: 2023-04-20
    Time: 15:00–15:50
    Room: Kinzie Forum
    Level: Intermediate
    Feedback: Leave feedback

    This talk will covered a tour of different PostgreSQL tools that provide us with High Availability and Fault Tolerance, always asking ourselves: What would happen if?

    We will try to understand step by step how to design a PostgreSQL HA Architecture from scratch. From the moment that we only installed a database that increases size with time to cover a full HA Architecture designed under fail assumptions.

    This talk is for beginners to try to understand the concepts and tools and how to add these features for any HA solution in PostgreSQL. If we just configured a replication, we don't have HA and much less Fault Tolerance.

    We need to remember to always ask ourselves: What would happen if? – Any user executing an UPDATE without WHERE? O my god!…


    Alfredo Rodriguez