Schedule - PGDay Chicago 2025

The Power of Feedback: Building a Thriving PostgreSQL Community in Madagascar

Date: 2025-04-25
Time: 11:20–12:05
Room: East
Level: Beginner

After a decade of working with and teaching the PostgreSQL, I felt the need to connect with fellow Malagasy users, regardless of their technical background. Unsure of where to begin, I reached out to experienced and generous PostgreSQL community members whose guidance illuminated my path forward. Inspired by their support, I founded the first PostgreSQL User Group in Madagascar—the first of its kind in any African country. This talk will share my journey of community building, the leadership challenges I overcame, and the strategies I employed to organize our inaugural PostgreSQL conference, made possible through collaboration with dedicated colleagues. Attendees will gain insights into fostering inclusive tech communities and navigating resource management in emerging tech ecosystems.


BAOVOLA Marie Anna