Schedule - PGDay Chicago 2025

The Journey of Your Query

Date: 2025-04-25
Time: 16:00–16:45
Room: East
Level: Intermediate

Have you ever been asked to explain what happens under the hood when you query your database? It's a classic question—whether to understand how Postgres works or simply to test your database knowledge.

This talk aims to explain the journey of your query, from the moment you press "Enter" to the moment results appear on your screen. We'll dive into Postgres internals, exploring how it handles your query, figures out what to do with the query, and executes it by following code paths. Along the way, we'll uncover the roles of components like the Planner, Executor, and more. We'll also touch on how Postgres organizes and retrieves data efficiently, shedding light on its storage mechanics.

Whether you're a curious user or a seasoned Postgres hacker, I hope this talk will offer valuable insights into what's happening behind the scenes.


Melih Mutlu