

Oleg Bartunov

Company: Postgres Professional
Twitter: @obartunov

Oleg Bartunov has been involved in PostgreSQL development since 1996 (he introduced locale support). He is a major postgres developer and a member of the PGDG. Together with his colleague Teodor Sigaev he developed infrastructure for implementing user-define index access methods GiST, GIN, SP-GiST, built-in full text search facilities in PostgreSQL (formerly known as tsearch2) and a number of popular extensions like intarray, ltree, hstore, pg_trgm. Their latest contribution is a binary storage for nested structures, which allows implementation of nested hstore and efficient jsonb datatypes.

Oleg graduated from the Astronomy department of the Physics department at Lomonosov's Moscow State University. During his professional work at Sternberg Astronomical Institute (SAI MSU) he realized he needed a free and powerful open-source database like PostgreSQL (Postgres95 that time). Since then he extensively used PostgreSQL in his scientific work and many other projects. Oleg is an active member of Russian PostgreSQL community, he advocated the adoption of PostgreSQL by astronomical community. One of his scientific projects makes use of scalable indexing of multi-terabytes sky catalogues developed for PostgreSQL, which outperforms known techniques used in commercial databases. Recently, Oleg and other russian major postgres contributors founded Postgres Professional, russian postgres-centric company.

His main interests are Informaton Retrieval, Databases Extensibility, Algorithms and Data Structures, Service-Oriented Architecture for Science and XLDB for Science. In spare time he like to play volleyball, jogging, also he does a little yoga. Last years he enjoy adventure trekking in Himalaya.
