

Easy and correct High-Availability PostgreSQL with Kubernetes

Date: 2019-09-12
Time: 19:30 - 20:20
Room: Salon 15-16
Level: Intermediate

You are probably already curious about running PostgreSQL (chances are you are actually already running it) in your company. You probably are in the same situation with Kubernetes. Well this session will be all about hands-on exercises to show you how running PostreSQL on Kubernetes with an Operator can make your life so much better. We will cover two ways this combination allows you to go home happier at the end of the day: 1) Easier to provision and adjust your architecture and 2) Easier and more fool-proof to run your PostgreSQL datastore in high availability mode. The goal of this session is to send you home with the ability to set up your own Database as a Service using PostgreSQL and Kubernetes.


The following slides have been made available for this session:


Steven Pousty