

The How and Why of Method Chaining with SQLAlchemy in PostgreSQL

Date: 2019-09-13
Time: 18:30 - 19:20
Room: Salon 17-18
Level: Beginner

As new software engineers, it was helpful to learn about method chaining when building our first full-stack web applications. In talking with fellow junior engineers, the concept of “method chaining” was not as widely adopted or understood as we had anticipated. Using SQLAlchemy method chaining with our PostgreSQL databases allowed us to reduce query count per RESTful API route, thereby improving runtime of our apps. We feel that sharing our experience could help other junior engineers improve their web apps and projects, as well.

What/Why of chaining

Chaining queries in PostgreSQL vs chaining methods in SQLAlchemy

How we used method chaining with SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL in our projects


Hannah Johnson
Leah Liu