Schedule - PGDay Chicago 2024

Learnings from Extension Development in Rust & PGRX

Date: 2024-04-26
Time: 14:25–15:10
Room: Hub2
Level: Intermediate

We are experiencing a huge momentum in building PostgreSQL extensions in Rust not only because the language provides memory safety and high-level abstractions, while still being performant, but also because PGRX, the framework in Rust, provides a comprehensive environment to facilitate PostgreSQL extension lifecycle management. In this talk, you will have a better understanding of how Rust and PGRX can be used to build high-performance PostgreSQL extensions. You will learn about topics such as project structuring, multi-crate extensions, Rust’s mechanism for optional dependencies and features, foreign function interface capabilities to integrate existing C libraries, and Rust ecosystem support for various compliance and lifecycle tasks. You will also get to know how to support asynchronous operations for IO-bound and CPU-bound tasks, as well as gRPC for efficient client-server communications, by using Rust’s popular crates. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how Rust and PGRX can be used to build high-performance PostgreSQL extensions!


The following slides have been made available for this session:


Arda Aytekin
Aykut Bozkurt